Sunday, November 25, 2007

Me on my Honda Magna...


Blogger the color j said...

ride a bicycle instead :D

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Uncle Angus

My name is Ian. For the last thirteen years I've been going to Linden Presbyterian Church in Joburg South Africa. Someone told me about you when i told them that God is calling me in blind faith to KZN on the east coast of South Africa. I've been told that you travel according to similar callings. Can you please contact me to give advice and encouragement. It's the first time I'm following such a call from God. I know that He is calling me there but most people don't believe me (only one person has confirmed it). I really need the support of those who know what I'm going through (Abraham, Jonah, Moses, etc all were led to strange lands). I would really appreciate hearing from you.


4:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man nice motorbick...
Gus are you still sleeping on rain ? don't sleeping on the bick... i could learn somethink else that day, do you remember in Recife everyone has fear when you went to the river
At moment i am sleeping on rain i have wait the day to go to China I always remember about my farm "dreams of Jesus" you spolking in my DTES two half years ago about it I have wait for this farm in China but have been a difficult time here, i need more faith.
So i hope that everythings gonna be rigth with you.
Marry Christmas !!!

12:49 PM  
Blogger c said...

Lookin' gooood.

7:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see our youth years are only catching up on us now!

1:00 PM  

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